Withdrawal Agreement Receives Royal Assent 24th January 2020 With many 100s of hours spent on the Withdrawal Agreement and leaving the EU and several failed votes prior to the General Election in December, Parliament has... Westminster News
Mark welcomes increase in the Local Housing Allowance 15th January 2020 Mark Garnier MP welcomes an increase in the Local Housing Allowance The Government is delivering on the election promises and ensuring that the most vulnerable... Westminster News
Supporting Commonwealth Forces Veterans 26th April 2019 I am delighted to be a co-signatory of the letter to the Home Secretary and support the campaign for the Government to abolish visa fees for Commonwealth... Westminster News
Brexit Discussions Continue 12th April 2019 The chaos doesn’t get any better. With the prospect of the UK facing a hard Brexit on Friday evening, we are no closer to any resolution of the political crisis... Westminster News
2nd Indicative Votes - 1st April 2019 2nd April 2019 Last night saw the 2nd session of indicative votes - and I set out below the four motions selected by the Speaker and my decisions on how I voted. Motion C -... Westminster News
Indicative Votes - 27th March 2019 28th March 2019 The votes last night, seeking some sort of direction of travel, failed to achieve any clarity. But for the purposes of transparency, it might be helpful for... Westminster News
Britain Has A Chance to Punch Above its Weight 30th January 2019 Finally! The parliamentary Brexit tectonic plates have shifted just a little. A series of backbench amendments resulted in one defeat for the government, and... Westminster News
View from Westminster 16th February 2018 16th February 2018 The 15th of January saw the launch of the Year of Engineering. This is the start of a crucial initiative which will see the government work with hundreds of... Westminster News
Mark Garnier MP supports the Government’s spending on Policing 8th February 2018 Mark Garnier supported the Government in the £12.6billion investment in policing for the year ahead and the approval for Police forces to increase their council... Westminster News