Mark Garnier MP has welcomed figures showing a significant fall in crime
Figures released by the North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership (NWCSP) show that there were 952 fewer offences last year recorded across Bromsgrove, Redditch and Wyre Forest. The biggest reduction was crime relating to the night time economy. There was also a decrease in the number of people who thought that anti-social behaviour was a problem in their area.
The NWCSP are funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner. Their projects in the coming year will target the priorities of tackling anti-social behaviour, preventing violence and burglary and reducing reoffending.
Mark Garnier MP said “These figures are very pleasing. They show that the hard work that the Police and organisations such as the NWCSP do is really paying off. It is important that this work continues and it is encouraging to know that NWCSP remain focused on tackling crime to ensure that Wyre Forest residents feel safe in their own communities.”