On Tuesday, June 23rd Mark Garnier MP met with Ed Vaizey MP, Minister of State for the Digital Economy, to highlight several rural areas around Wyre Forest which currently not receiving superfast broadband. Ed promised to work with Mark to raise this issue with BT and force a positive outcome for those residents locally who deserve better.
In the last five years, Mark Garnier MP has helped bring £11.85 million to secure superfast broadband for Worcestershire. Nationally, superfast broadband coverage is still just under 90% so the Minister and Mark Garnier were proud that Wyre Forest is already at 95%, ahead of the national average. However both believe more can be done to ensure that all green boxes are working and last 5% receive their connection.
Mark Garnier commented: "It is vital that our rural areas has the same opportunities for growth as the urban areas. That is why I met with ministers in April, Sajid Javid MP, and in June, Ed Vaizey MP, to voice the broadband concerns of people in Wyre Forest at the highest levels. I'm going to continue to work hard to ensure that everyone has full access to this important technology."