There is much written about the lack of interest in democracy, especially amongst the young. More than half of under 35 year olds do not vote - a tragedy when you consider that it is under 35 year olds who gave their lives in two world wars to ensure we kept democracy.
But beneath this veneer of apparent apathy is a group of people who are very enthusiastic about politics. In Worcestershire and across the country, there is a youth parliament and a youth cabinet.
Worcestershire has 3 MYPs and 24 members of the youth cabinet. Their job is to raise issues on behalf of their peers. They lobby MPs and they engage with councillors at county and district level.
But it is the most recent development that I feel really highlights their resolve. Elections scheduled for just before Christmas were postponed. I was extremely concerned by this and immediately set about trying to find out what was going on. The elections had been postponed due to uncertainty surrounding the budget allocated form the county council. So I arranged to meet with the Wyre Forest cabinet members.
Far from being downbeat about the funding arrangements, they are keen to make sure that they can carry on. A provisional budget has been written and the cabinet are going through this again to see how they can come up with a sensible and sustainable model for young democracy. They are enlisting the support of volunteers and are contacting the great and good of the county to see where they can find help. I have offered to help in any way that I can.
It is important that they are successful. Ensuring that there is a steady stream of people to take an interest in the future is vital. But it is doubly important that they engage now. As an MP, I am conscious that I am minding the shop until the next generation takes over. But the legacy of the last government means that the debts run up after the crises will not be paid by us, nor will they be paid off by the next generation. It is more than likely that our grandchildren and great grandchildren will still be paying off debts brought about the mismanagement we have seen. It is their money: we need to know what they think.