Interest in the referendum is intensifying. Last week I debated the pros and cons of our EU membership with regional UKIP MEP Jim Carver, attracting around 400 people – an impressive turnout. It was our intention that as many undecided people as possible would be in attendance, but in the end the audience was overwhelmingly decided, largely in the “out” camp. They were certainly eager to put across their opinions. Irrespective, however, of pre-formed views, it really was incredible to see so many at a political debate.
Key to many people’s comments was the idea that we as a country can do well trading with the rest of the world, unshackled from the constraints of the EU. But what was not acknowledged was the fact that we already do well trading with the world anyway, despite (or otherwise) our membership of the EU. One of my Parliamentary roles is that of Prime Minster’s Trade Envoy, where I am responsible for boosting bi-lateral trade with Thailand, Myanmar and Brunei. I am in Brunei this week meeting with British businesses and looking at where the opportunities are for us to increase our trade with this country and the region as a whole.
What is blindingly obvious is that we sell Britain to the rest of the world very well already and irrespective of our membership of the EU. It has never held us back and we continue to trade with whoever we want. Indeed, the British brand is incredibly powerful in Asia. This is not just British products, such as Jaguar cars, or Burberry clothing. It includes exports of British services, such as Truefitt and Hill Barbers (the oldest barber in London), or our well known British schools. The efforts of UKTI to promote us are achieving incredible results. Our opportunities are already being maximised irrespective of EU membership.
But the people I meet are all fascinated by our referendum. What on earth are we thinking, they ask, even contemplating leaving the EU?
Back home in Britain, we run the risk of looking out the world with a view to engaging it, whilst completely failing to go to the rest of the world and look back on ourselves. We are a great nation; but the world sees part of our greatness and their opportunity to trade with the lying in our EU membership. We mustn’t forget that in three week’s time.