Immigration is about the hottest topic that comes up on the doorstep. Whilst having an overall beneficial effect on our economy, it is not beneficial for everyone in our economy. Immigration might push down wages for unskilled workers, but even that is subjective given that we have such low unemployment in this country. But it worries many, many people.
Brexiteers advocate an Australian style points system that allocates points reflecting a person’s skills. These points are scored on what skills Australia needs. With too many plumbers but not enough roofers, applicants get more points being a roofer than a plumber. Get enough points and you get to live in Australia (irrespective of whether you have a job). Sounds great.
The problem is, according to Migration Watch, this doesn’t work for the UK. The Australian model is designed to boost immigration in a country that desperately needs to expand into an empty continent. The system drives three times the level of UK immigration in Australia, based on immigrants per head of existing population.
We need to do better on immigration. But what this reveals yet again is the plan for Britain out of Europe hasn’t been thought through at all. Even the row about sovereignty is troubled with unanswered questions. What is sovereignty? Is it the ability for a country to go to war on its own decision? We do that anyway: I’ve voted on four occasions about going to war and there has never been any question that the EU is involved. Or is it our ability to charge our own taxes? If the EU sets our taxes, why do we care so much about the spring budget and autumn statements every year? It even turned out we were wrong when we said the EU set the rate of the hugely unpopular ‘tampon tax’ VAT rate. We asked Brussels and they said do whatever you want. Or is it the choice to use our own currency? We use the pound and always will. We have exemption from that part of the EU. Or making our own laws? I do that for a living in Westminster; EU rules tend to be trading standards underpinning the single market. Even the European Court of Justice’s remit only extends to that of our existing treaties.
Many people are confused by the claims and counter claims. My advice is to visit the BBC website that is both impartial and informative – not normal praise from any politician!