Mark Garnier MP recently met with West Mercia Police chief constable David Shaw and newly elected Police and Crime Commissioner Bill Longmore to discuss the Police and Crime Plan for 2013.
Mark Garnier commented: ' David and Bill have undertaken rationalisation of police officer numbers and I am pleased they have now reached their long term target, meaning no further reductions in police numbers across the region. Indeed, the numbers of police officers are the same as the number of police officers in 2003/2004. Moreover, there will be better use of PCSOs
'WE also discussed the relocation and reallocation of Bewdley and Stourport police stations. The plans for Stourport bring the police presence into the centre of the town, whilst Bewdley will still see a police base in the centre of the town, albeit smaller
'These measures are not just about responding to budget savings, but importantly respond to policing needs in the 21st century. Whilst people access police services through many different means aside from front office visits, it is important that people feel secure that there is a visible police presence. I believe these measures address these concerns.'