Mark has received a response from Openreach in respect of the areas within DY13 which are currently planned for installation of telegraph poles by a third party. Openreach response is as follows:
Thanks for getting in touch concerning Mark’s constituents from the DY13 area of Stourport on Severn.
I’m sorry to hear that residents are not happy that poles are being used by another supplier to provide full fibre broadband. I appreciate changes like this have an impact on the community and I can understand their concerns.
As noted the areas detailed are connected using armoured underground cables, which requires no duct.
When we install full fibre, we’ll also look to use as much of the existing infrastructure as possible. Given there is no duct feeding the properties here we are likely to also use poles to provide an overhead solution. This is standard practice and we’ve used this method in other areas with similar network connections. The alternative may be that we would remove properties here from our plans, until resources to provide an underground solution are available. This would likely be beyond 2026, once our principal build is completed.
I’m genuinely sorry I don’t have an alternative solution for you, however I hope this clarifies how we are likely to proceed with our build. If you need anything further, please get in touch with me.